Carbon Legacy Tree Circles
In late 2024 and early 2025 two tree circles were planted using oak trees from the Carbon Legacy installation. The trees planted offer a connection to the past and a future space. We used the Celtic Wheel and cardinal points to plant the trees with intention and celebration of the phases of the year and the rest of nature, hoping to create spaces for connection and renewal.
Old Poltalloch Tree Circle
Gordon Grey-Stephens offered to host a 32 oak tree circle on his land at Old Poltalloch. This circle can be visited by arrangement lizzie@lizzieroseart.co.uk
Gartcharron Tree Circle
Arthur Hobhouse offered to host a tree circle on his land at Gartcharron, on the Craignish Peninsula. We planted 8 trees in January 2025 to create a large tree circle and we hope to add more trees over time creating a space for gatherings, celebrations and life ritual.
Tree Circle Walks 2025
All are welcome to join me in walking to the tree circle at Gartcharron, near Ardfern, to mark each of the 8 Celtic festivals. I hope through shared time at the tree circles we can nurture a place for connection and renewal.
Imbolc Walk: Saturday 1st February 2pm
Ostara walk: Thursday 20th March 10am
Beltane walk: Thursday 1st May 7pm
Litha Walk: Friday 20th June 7pm
Lammas walk: Friday 1st August 7pm
Mabon Walk: Monday 22nd September 12 noon
Samhain Walk: Friday 31st October 12 noon
Yule Walk: Sunday 21st December 3pm
It will take time - the trees planted this year at both circles are only small - but there is potential for a legacy to grow and special spaces to evolve.
Please note:
If visiting the tree circles please no dogs - both places have livestock on the land. Children and young people must be accompanied by an adult. It is approx. 15 min walk across rough hill ground to either site so please dress appropriately.
Other plantings
Some of the trees will be planted on an island in Loch Craignish. This will be done as an ongoing project over the next few months. If you would like to help Lizzie plant these trees please get in touch. Various other locations are being investigated both in Kilmartin Glen and further afield in Argyll

The 375 young oak trees are part of Carbon Legacy. They are to be planted in Argyll as a restorative action, reflecting on our ancestor's removal of 375 oak trees to make a monument c.5,500 years ago. These young oak trees are symbols of positive action. They are a gift to the future, a token of gentle activism, and a reminder of the impact of our actions over long time.
The planting of these trees is a sign of intention, a monument and reminder of forests long gone, those surviving, and future forests hoped for. We celebrate our human connection with trees, honouring our local oak trees and our remnant Atlantic Rainforest.